Neurological organization

The future in human performance

In March 2023, I attended a course in Syndey run by Shawn Sherman.

He has been developing a system over the past 20 years which taps into your nervous system to find whether or not its functioning optimally.

If it is, you perform a simple task to cause a stress response.

Next, you retest to discover you now have a compensation somewhere in your body.

Finally, you fix the compensation before repeating the process, fixing layer upon layer of compensation.

Benefits I've witnessed.

  • Improved range of motion
  • Improved strength
  • Improved balance
  • Decreased pain
  • Decreased sensation of pain in affected joint


Post 10-15 minutes of SQUARE 1

These photos show strength improvements in 7 out of 8 tests after a 40 minute SQUARE 1 session. Top left and right photo show pre and post testing of hip abduction and adduction. The bottom left and right show pre and post shoulder internal/external rotation.

This photo demonstrates how much my client could flex (bend) her finger pre SQUARE 1. 

This photo demonstrates the difference after two 40 minute SQUARE 1 sessions.

Her decreased sensation of pain was more impressive though. Pre SQUARE 1, I was unable to even touch her finger without her pulling away. By the end of the second session, I was able to rub my finger up and down hers without an issue. If you've ever cut or banged your finger, you realise how many times per day your finger touches something in the same spot, causing pain every time.


"Chris was able to remove pain from affected shoulder in 15 minutes"


"Chris was able to reduce pins and needles sensation from affected hand in 20 minutes"


"Chris was able to remove pain from affected shoulder in 10 minutes"


"Chris was able to remove knot from back in 5 minutes"


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